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The Biggest Expense of Your Entire Life

There’s just one thing that will cost you more than anything else over the course of your lifetime. It will cost you more than your housing and rent, food, kids, debts, healthcare, food, cars, college or any other big expense you commonly think about. It’s taxes. You...

When Taxes Go Up, Rich People Leave

The right-wing conservatives have many fantasies. Muslims will embrace democracy if you invade their countries. Forever monogamy works, as long as you find the right girl. Voting for Republicans will make goverment smaller. People will use less marijuana if you make...

Why I’m Moving To Another Country In A Few Years

Every time I mention my plans to move out of the United States in a few years, as I did in the last post, I suddenly get a lot of comments and email about it…namely people either objecting or enthusasticially asking me lots of questions. I’ve mentioned...