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I’m Getting A Farm in Paraguay

Yes, I’m serious. You didn’t think I was a farmer, did you?  Well, you’d be right. I don’t know shit about farming. But times are a changin’. I will explain.  As an American, foreign real estate is one of the few things that are exempt from American taxes. Pretty...

Getting Residencies in Panama and Paraguay

I’m typing this while I’m 35,000 feet in the air flying over South America, a six hour flight from Panama City, Panama to Asuncion, Paraguay. This is my second time visiting both countries, though this time, I have a very specific objective: to get permanent residency...

A Dragon In Paraguay

Flying into Asunción, the largest and capital city of the country of Paraguay, you see nothing but green, jungle-like landscape as far as the horizon. Then you see this little city poking out from the middle of nowhere. “The middle of nowhere” is pretty apt. Deep into...