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Bitcoin Is On Fire!

Just a few weeks ago, Bitcoin was around $900. Today it’s $2200. A few days ago it was as high as $2700. What the hell? It’s now hundreds of dollars past gold, which is still floating around $1250 as it usually does. I check the values of certain indexes and...

Disney World – The Belly of the Beast

My feelings regarding the Walt Disney Company are ambivalent to say the least. On one hand, I’m upset with them for forever warping the perception of billions of women (and a decent amount of men) regarding relationships and marriage, and doing so for decades, from...

People Don’t Want What They Say They Want

One. Decades ago in my first job at a large software company, we had to do customer surveys regarding our product. The overwhelming response we received was that our customers liked our software, but considered it too “full.” There were too many features, and that...